The current environment is a great time for advisers to reset their business and hone their customer value proposition (CVP) so they are well positioned for opportunities going forward.
Three advisers offered their insights on how they were positioning their business to offer customers a compelling CVP.
Brisbane-based DolFinwise principal Jason Bragger said developing a six-point slide presentation to address a potential clients key concerns up front while not solving all their problems then and there was important.
The first point explains the initial meeting comes with no cost and no obligation, but its purpose is to understand goals and objectives and assessing if the business can assist them.
Once the slide presentation is completed, they move into a fact find process where Bragger suggests a useful tip.
“Making a visual representation of their assets with logos and images really helps them.”
Capital Preferences head of marketing Pat Spenner said his research across 400 advisers to understand the correlations between know-your-client building blocks and performance have thrown up some valuable insights.
He identified high performing advisers in categories he titled behaviouralists, had a focus on family dynamics and a niche focus.
These categories identified advisers in each who aligned themselves to the type of service they were offering to a target market and systemised this in a repeatable way so they could build up successful businesses.
(For more information on the study go to-
Meanwhile, PrimeWealth financial adviser Ben Norval said the business utilises Astute Wheel for upfront client engagement and a client health check.
“If you talk to the client about how they feel, we can quickly identify where the value is going to be,” he said.
In the initial meeting, the client is shown a sample ‘on track’ snapshot. The snapshot illustrates the various faces that make up a client’s financial life including their family tree, goals and objectives and the advisers fee. When a client first sees their own snapshot it highlights the areas which need attention and advises can demonstrate where they can add the most value.
“This identifies all their goals and makes it very clear for them because every time we meet, we go through this snapshot,” said Norval.
The OnTrack program focuses on accountability, comfort levels and includes all areas of their life.